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 4.2 Jaguar E-Type 
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Record Creation: Entered on 19 May 2009.



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2009-05-19 21:20:23 | Chuck Hadley writes:

Just wanted to get this in here since it's not already in there... I bought the picture frame from this car on eBay with the number clearly visible on it...

The picture frame was dented up on the top cross bar but was otherwise rock solid. It came to me freshly bead blasted and in primer.

either one of two things is going on with this car:

A) it is being restored with a new picture frame - let's hope so, or...

B) Since it was a Series 1.5 2+2 Automatic, it was parted out.

Maybe some day we'll learn more, but I have the original picture frame and it may or may not end up on my 3.8 OTS, 878087...

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