| | | |
| 3.8 Jaguar E-Type | | Carmen Red |
| Fixed Head Coupe | | Red |
| Right Hand Drive | | |
| | | |
| 860833 | | |
| R7165-8 | | |
| V3460 | | |
| EB6360JS | | |
| 24 August 1962 | | Great Britain |
| 1962 | | Carmen Red |
| 2014 | | Red |
| Work In Progress | | |
| Original | | Gothenburg |
| | | |
| Original | | | Sweden |
3222WK | | |
Record Creation: Entered on 23 March 2004.
Record Changes
Changes to the database entry on this car are below; they do not necessarily mean the car itself changed (hide this).
2006-08-15 15:28:16 | XKE Data writes:
The record was updated:
Original Owner Country was changed from Aden (Yemen) to SwedenReplacement Engine was changed from unknown to originalLast Seen was changed from 2004 to 20062007-03-20 19:08:54 | XKE Data writes:
The record was updated:
Factory Paint Color was added: carmen redFactory Interior Color was added: redOriginal Owner City was added: GothenburgLast Seen was changed from 2006 to 2007Factory Build Year was added: 1962Factory Build Month was added: 08Factory Build Day was added: 242011-06-23 14:39:29 | XKE Data writes:
The record was updated:
Notes From Heritage Record was added: 3222WK2014-07-10 13:51:57 | XKE Data writes:
The record was updated:
Current City was deleted, old value was: UmeaLast Seen was changed from 2007 to 2014Registration numbers (raw data): was added: 3222XK|Registration number location (raw data): was added: United Kingdom|2014-07-27 05:54:07 | XKE Data writes:
The record was updated:
Original Owner City was deleted, old value was: GothenburgOriginal Owner Country was changed from Sweden to Great BritainCurrent City was added: GothenburgRegistration numbers (raw data): was changed from 3222XK| to 3222WK|Heritage Notes
Photos of 860833
Click slide for larger image. This car has 1 photos. (Dates are when image was uploaded.)
Restoration Photos: Start (1)
Uploaded March 2004:
2004-03-24 Comments
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